There have been many moments in my life where I held on for too long. Be it a client, friendship, relationship, or loved one. I ignored signs when they presented themselves, and I searched for the light in the darkness. I’d like to think that is because I don’t like giving up on people. However, more than that is the innate responsibility I feel towards others.
While I do have somewhat of a rough exterior, I am a fighter for those I love. However, over the years, I’ve grown very comfortable with being able to walk away from things I deem as too difficult or unhealthy for me to be involved in. These insights have presented themselves through various difficult situations where I felt a sense of helplessness. While they could have stifled my progress, they, in fact, became my greatest teachers, showing me the importance of self-care and personal growth.
In contrast, much of it came from the realization that this is my life to live, not anyone else’s. Knowing when to say no and to walk away from something that isn’t working can be an art form. And I’ve indeed fallen on both sides of those extremes. But over my 30’s, I’ve started to realize that you can’t force anything to work. Sure, you should do your best, but eventually, there comes a point when it’s time to move on, not only for you, but for the other party. It’s cliché to say, but life is too short. Knowing when to walk away and move onto something new and being comfortable with the ramifications is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It will provide you with a sense of balance you never knew you had, and a profound sense of relief and freedom.